QuickTime API のエラーコード
Name | Code | Description |
codecErr | -8960 | - |
noCodecErr | -8961 | - |
codecUnimpErr | -8962 | - |
codecSizeErr | -8963 | - |
codecScreenBufErr | -8964 | - |
codecImageBufErr | -8965 | - |
codecSpoolErr | -8966 | - |
codecAbortErr | -8967 | - |
codecWouldOffscreenErr | -8968 | - |
codecBadDataErr | -8969 | - |
codecDataVersErr | -8970 | - |
codecExtensionNotFoundErr | -8971 | - |
scTypeNotFoundErr | codecExtensionNotFoundErr | - |
codecConditionErr | -8972 | - |
codecOpenErr | -8973 | - |
codecCantWhenErr | -8974 | - |
codecCantQueueErr | -8975 | - |
codecNothingToBlitErr | -8976 | - |
codecNoMemoryPleaseWaitErr | -8977 | - |
codecDisabledErr | -8978 | codec disabled itself -- pass codecFlagReenable to reset |
codecNeedToFlushChainErr | -8979 | - |
lockPortBitsBadSurfaceErr | -8980 | - |
lockPortBitsWindowMovedErr | -8981 | - |
lockPortBitsWindowResizedErr | -8982 | - |
lockPortBitsWindowClippedErr | -8983 | - |
lockPortBitsBadPortErr | -8984 | - |
lockPortBitsSurfaceLostErr | -8985 | - |
codecParameterDialogConfirm | -8986 | - |
codecNeedAccessKeyErr | -8987 | codec needs password in order to decompress |
codecOffscreenFailedErr | -8988 | - |
codecDroppedFrameErr | -8989 | returned from ImageCodecDrawBand |
directXObjectAlreadyExists | -8990 | - |
lockPortBitsWrongGDeviceErr | -8991 | - |
codecOffscreenFailedPleaseRetryErr | -8992 | - |
badCodecCharacterizationErr | -8993 | - |
noThumbnailFoundErr | -8994 | - |
kQTMediaDoesNotSupportDisplayOffsetsErr | -9460 | Returned by new (B-frame-aware) media APIs that attempt to set nonzero decode to display deltas on media that do not support them. |
kQTMediaHasDisplayOffsetsErr | -9461 | Returned by old (non-B-frame-aware) media APIs that cannot cope with nonzero decode to display deltas on media that contain them. |
kQTDisplayTimeAlreadyInUseErr | -9462 | Returned if an attempt to add a new media sample fails because there is already a sample with its display time. |
kQTDisplayTimeTooEarlyErr | -9463 | Returned if an attempt to add a new media sample fails because its display time would be earlier than the display time of an existing sample that does not have the mediaSampleEarlierDisplayTimesAllowed flag set. |
kQTTimeValueTooBigErr | -9464 | Returned by APIs that use 32-bit TimeValues if a timevalue could not be returned because it did not fit. |
kQTVisualContextRequiredErr | -9458 | Returned if a visual context is required |
kQTVisualContextNotAllowedErr | -9459 | Returned if a visual context cannot be used |
kQTPropertyBadValueSizeErr | -2184 | Returned if the size for the property value is incorrect |
kQTPropertyNotSupportedErr | -2195 | Returned if the property is not supported |
kQTPropertyAskLaterErr | -2200 | Returned if the property is not available now, but may be available later |
kQTPropertyReadOnlyErr | -2191 | Returned if the property cannot be set |
kQTPropertyArrayElementUnprocessedErr | -9465 | Used with property arrays, set on a property element prior to processing (example usage: NewMovieFromProperties) |
kQTCannotCoerceValueErr | -2192 | Returned if a value cannot be coerced to the request type |
kQTMessageNotHandledErr | -2194 | Returned if the message was not handled |
kQTMessageCommandNotSupportedErr | -2196 | Returned if the command message is not supported |
kQTMessageNoSuchParameterErr | -2197 | Returned if the requested parameter does not exist |
kQTObsoleteLPCMSoundFormatErr | -2171 | Returned if the LPCM sound format is incorrectly set to something other than 'lpcm' |
kQTIncompatibleDescriptionErr | -2166 | Returned if the operation cannot be performed on this SampleDescription |
kQTMetaDataInvalidMetaDataErr | -2173 | Returned if the metadata container is invalid |
kQTMetaDataInvalidItemErr | -2174 | Returned if the metadata item is invalid |
kQTMetaDataInvalidStorageFormatErr | -2175 | Returned if the storage format is invalid |
kQTMetaDataInvalidKeyFormatErr | -2176 | Returned if the key format is invalid |
kQTMetaDataNoMoreItemsErr | -2177 | Returned if there is no more metadata items |
kICMCodecCantQueueOutOfOrderErr | -8995 | - |
couldNotResolveDataRef | -2000 | |
badImageDescription | -2001 | |
badPublicMovieAtom | -2002 | |
cantFindHandler | -2003 | |
cantOpenHandler | -2004 | |
badComponentType | -2005 | |
noMediaHandler | -2006 | |
noDataHandler | -2007 | |
invalidMedia | -2008 | |
invalidTrack | -2009 | |
invalidMovie | -2010 | |
invalidSampleTable | -2011 | |
invalidDataRef | -2012 | |
invalidHandler | -2013 | |
invalidDuration | -2014 | |
invalidTime | -2015 | |
cantPutPublicMovieAtom | -2016 | |
badEditList | -2017 | |
mediaTypesDontMatch | -2018 | |
progressProcAborted | -2019 | |
movieToolboxUninitialized | -2020 | |
noRecordOfApp | just the same as movieToolboxUninitialized | |
wfFileNotFound | -2021 | |
cantCreateSingleForkFile | -2022 | happens when file already exists |
invalidEditState | -2023 | |
nonMatchingEditState | -2024 | |
staleEditState | -2025 | |
userDataItemNotFound | -2026 | |
maxSizeToGrowTooSmall | -2027 | |
badTrackIndex | -2028 | |
trackIDNotFound | -2029 | |
trackNotInMovie | -2030 | |
timeNotInTrack | -2031 | |
timeNotInMedia | -2032 | |
badEditIndex | -2033 | |
internalQuickTimeError | -2034 | |
cantEnableTrack | -2035 | |
invalidRect | -2036 | |
invalidSampleNum | -2037 | |
invalidChunkNum | -2038 | |
invalidSampleDescIndex | -2039 | |
invalidChunkCache | -2040 | |
invalidSampleDescription | -2041 | |
dataNotOpenForRead | -2042 | |
dataNotOpenForWrite | -2043 | |
dataAlreadyOpenForWrite | -2044 | |
dataAlreadyClosed | -2045 | |
endOfDataReached | -2046 | |
dataNoDataRef | -2047 | |
noMovieFound | -2048 | |
invalidDataRefContainer | -2049 | |
badDataRefIndex | -2050 | |
noDefaultDataRef | -2051 | |
couldNotUseAnExistingSample | -2052 | |
featureUnsupported | -2053 | |
noVideoTrackInMovieErr | -2054 | QT for Windows error |
noSoundTrackInMovieErr | -2055 | QT for Windows error |
soundSupportNotAvailableErr | -2056 | QT for Windows error |
unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData | -2057 | |
auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable | -2058 | |
samplesAlreadyInMediaErr | -2059 | |
noSourceTreeFoundErr | -2060 | |
sourceNotFoundErr | -2061 | |
movieTextNotFoundErr | -2062 | |
missingRequiredParameterErr | -2063 | |
invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr | -2064 | |
invalidSpritePropertyErr | -2065 | |
gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr | -2066 | |
invalidSpriteIndexErr | -2067 | |
invalidImageIndexErr | -2068 | |
invalidSpriteIDErr | -2069 | |
internalComponentErr | -2070 | |
notImplementedMusicOSErr | -2071 | |
cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr | -2072 | |
cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr | -2073 | |
illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr | -2074 | |
illegalPartOSErr | -2075 | |
illegalChannelOSErr | -2076 | |
illegalKnobOSErr | -2077 | |
illegalKnobValueOSErr | -2078 | |
illegalInstrumentOSErr | -2079 | |
illegalControllerOSErr | -2080 | |
midiManagerAbsentOSErr | -2081 | |
synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr | -2082 | |
synthesizerOSErr | -2083 | |
illegalNoteChannelOSErr | -2084 | |
noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr | -2085 | |
tunePlayerFullOSErr | -2086 | |
tuneParseOSErr | -2087 | |
noExportProcAvailableErr | -2089 | |
videoOutputInUseErr | -2090 | |
componentDllLoadErr | -2091 | Windows specific errors (when component is loading) |
componentDllEntryNotFoundErr | -2092 | Windows specific errors (when component is loading) |
qtmlDllLoadErr | -2093 | Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading) |
qtmlDllEntryNotFoundErr | -2094 | Windows specific errors (when qtml is loading) |
qtmlUninitialized | -2095 | |
unsupportedOSErr | -2096 | |
unsupportedProcessorErr | -2097 | |
componentNotThreadSafeErr | -2098 | component is not thread-safe |
cannotFindAtomErr | -2101 | |
notLeafAtomErr | -2102 | |
atomsNotOfSameTypeErr | -2103 | |
atomIndexInvalidErr | -2104 | |
duplicateAtomTypeAndIDErr | -2105 | |
invalidAtomErr | -2106 | |
invalidAtomContainerErr | -2107 | |
invalidAtomTypeErr | -2108 | |
cannotBeLeafAtomErr | -2109 | |
pathTooLongErr | -2110 | |
emptyPathErr | -2111 | |
noPathMappingErr | -2112 | |
pathNotVerifiedErr | -2113 | |
unknownFormatErr | -2114 | |
wackBadFileErr | -2115 | |
wackForkNotFoundErr | -2116 | |
wackBadMetaDataErr | -2117 | |
qfcbNotFoundErr | -2118 | |
qfcbNotCreatedErr | -2119 | |
AAPNotCreatedErr | -2120 | |
AAPNotFoundErr | -2121 | |
ASDBadHeaderErr | -2122 | |
ASDBadForkErr | -2123 | |
ASDEntryNotFoundErr | -2124 | |
fileOffsetTooBigErr | -2125 | |
notAllowedToSaveMovieErr | -2126 | |
qtNetworkAlreadyAllocatedErr | -2127 | |
urlDataHHTTPProtocolErr | -2129 | |
urlDataHHTTPNoNetDriverErr | -2130 | |
urlDataHHTTPURLErr | -2131 | |
urlDataHHTTPRedirectErr | -2132 | |
urlDataHFTPProtocolErr | -2133 | |
urlDataHFTPShutdownErr | -2134 | |
urlDataHFTPBadUserErr | -2135 | |
urlDataHFTPBadPasswordErr | -2136 | |
urlDataHFTPServerErr | -2137 | |
urlDataHFTPDataConnectionErr | -2138 | |
urlDataHFTPNoDirectoryErr | -2139 | |
urlDataHFTPQuotaErr | -2140 | |
urlDataHFTPPermissionsErr | -2141 | |
urlDataHFTPFilenameErr | -2142 | |
urlDataHFTPNoNetDriverErr | -2143 | |
urlDataHFTPBadNameListErr | -2144 | |
urlDataHFTPNeedPasswordErr | -2145 | |
urlDataHFTPNoPasswordErr | -2146 | |
urlDataHFTPServerDisconnectedErr | -2147 | |
urlDataHFTPURLErr | -2148 | |
notEnoughDataErr | -2149 | |
qtActionNotHandledErr | -2157 | |
qtXMLParseErr | -2158 | |
qtXMLApplicationErr | -2159 | |
digiUnimpErr | -2201 | feature unimplemented |
qtParamErr | -2202 | bad input parameter (out of range, etc) |
matrixErr | -2203 | bad matrix, digitizer did nothing |
notExactMatrixErr | -2204 | warning of bad matrix, digitizer did its best |
noMoreKeyColorsErr | -2205 | all key indexes in use |
notExactSizeErr | -2206 | Canテ付 do exact size requested |
badDepthErr | -2207 | Canテ付 digitize into this depth |
noDMAErr | -2208 | Canテ付 do DMA digitizing (i.e. can't go to requested dest |
badCallOrderErr | -2209 | Usually due to a status call being called prior to being setup first |
qtsBadSelectorErr | -5400 | |
qtsBadStateErr | -5401 | |
qtsBadDataErr | -5402 | something is wrong with the data |
qtsUnsupportedDataTypeErr | -5403 | |
qtsUnsupportedRateErr | -5404 | |
qtsUnsupportedFeatureErr | -5405 | |
qtsTooMuchDataErr | -5406 | |
qtsUnknownValueErr | -5407 | |
qtsTimeoutErr | -5408 | |
qtsConnectionFailedErr | -5420 | |
qtsAddressBusyErr | -5421 | |
gestaltUnknownErr | -5550 | value returned if Gestalt doesn't know the answer |
gestaltUndefSelectorErr | -5551 | undefined selector was passed to Gestalt |
gestaltDupSelectorErr | -5552 | tried to add an entry that already existed |
gestaltLocationErr | -5553 | gestalt function ptr wasn't in sysheap |
kQTSSUnknownErr | -6150 | |
notAQTVRMovieErr | -30540 | |
constraintReachedErr | -30541 | |
callNotSupportedByNodeErr | -30542 | |
selectorNotSupportedByNodeErr | -30543 | |
invalidNodeIDErr | -30544 | |
invalidViewStateErr | -30545 | |
timeNotInViewErr | -30546 | |
propertyNotSupportedByNodeErr | -30547 | |
settingNotSupportedByNodeErr | -30548 | |
limitReachedErr | -30549 | |
invalidNodeFormatErr | -30550 | |
invalidHotSpotIDErr | -30551 | |
noMemoryNodeFailedInitialize | -30552 | |
streamingNodeNotReadyErr | -30553 | |
qtvrLibraryLoadErr | -30554 | |
qtvrUninitialized | -30555 |